Memorabilia Museum
This page is intended to showcase some of the most important and impressive pieces of ocean-liner memorabilia Luxury Liner Row has offered over the years. These items have sold and are NOT available.
I am always looking to buy ocean-liner memorabilia, including RMS Queen Mary furniture and fittings, White Star Line items, and pieces from any great liner or steamship line. If you have items (either an individual piece or an entire collection), please contact me at [email protected].

Majestic (1889) Menu, 1st Class
Lovely White Star Line menu for the RMS Majestic dated May 27, 1896. Appears to be a breakfast menu given the choices listed. Complete with embossed OSNC logo, White Star burgee, and gold edges. 19th… read more ›

United States Silver, Caviar Server
Perhaps no steamship line in the 1950s was making a bigger deal out of caviar service than the United States Lines. Silver service table side was and still is a requirement in my mind for… read more ›

Silver Pastry Tray
Oh, how I wish we had an inventory giving the exact number of each type of silver item used on board the ss United States. At least we have the auction catalog which references the… read more ›

Olympic, Pine Decking
My last and finest piece of pine decking from the famous liner RMS Olympic. Comes not only with its original auction tag from when I purchased it at the Haltwhistle auction nearly 20 years ago… read more ›

Andrea Doria Life Jacket
Andrea Doria. The name conjures up images not only the tragic loss of one of the most beautiful ships ever built but also of one of the greatest sea rescues in history. Premium items from… read more ›

Crystal, Wine Glass
Exceedingly rare and very desirable crystal wine glass as supplied to RMS Olympic and other White Star liners. Identical pattern to that used on RMS Titanic and recovered from the wreck site. Measures about 4″… read more ›

Crystal Wine Glass
Exceedingly rare and very desirable crystal wine glass as supplied to RMS Olympic and other White Star liners. Identical pattern to that used on RMS Titanic and recovered from the wreck site. Measures about 3.5″… read more ›

America, Brochure for Her Launch
Here is a rarity indeed. The launch brochure for the ss America dated August 31, 1939, and launched by Eleanor Roosevelt. Sports a fantastic tipped-in full-color image of the ship. In fact, the photo on… read more ›

SS United States Richard Wagner Model
Highly detailed wooden model of the famous United States Lines vessel by Richard Wagner. These German-made models are highly collectable for many reasons. The size is handy to display, measuring about 14.5″ long, including the… read more ›

United States Running Lights, Port and Starboard
Picture it. Norfolk, VA. 1984. Famed ocean-liner memorabilia dealer Ken Schultz visits the ss United States shortly after the 1984 auction of her fittings. During his visit, this pair of running lights was removed personally… read more ›

Silver Table Vase
Here is a little CGT art deco gem. Of all the years I have been in this trade and of all the years I have sold French Line silver, this is a first for me. … read more ›

Normandie, Fabric Swatch, Salon de Lecture
An amazing survivor and simply one of the rarest items I have ever had from CGT’s ss Normandie! A swatch of fabric from her Salon de Lecture. Used while the final decisions were being made… read more ›

Olympic, Floor Tiles
Beautifully patterned linoleum floor tiles in alternating shades of green and cream as used mostly in second-class areas of RMS Olympic. Archival photographs of the liner’s interior show these tiles in use in the barber… read more ›

Abstract, Final Transatlantic
Log abstract from the final eastbound transatlantic crossing of the RMS Queen Mary. Sept 22, 1967. She was still throwing up great times, averaging nearly 28 knots. This was allegedly her 1001st crossing…. Captain John… read more ›

United States Lighter
Really good-looking table lighter from the SS United States. Only seen a few of these and this is the first time I can offer one. From the gift shop on board the “Big Ship”. In… read more ›

Queen Mary Ashtray
Fascinating ashtray manufactured by the same firm that made RMS Queen Mary’s real propellers. Not always in the best of condition but this one cleaned up nicely. Highly sought after and not often seen. Grab… read more ›

Manhattan Model Van Ryper
Van Ryper started his ship modeling business in 1933 in Martha’s Vineyard. The idea was straight forward–make handmade models in a very recognizable style. The name is famous, and the models are outstanding. But being… read more ›

Aquitania Model Van Ryper
Van Ryper started his ship modeling business in 1933 in Martha’s Vineyard. The idea was straight forward–make handmade models in a very recognizable style. The name is famous, and the models are outstanding. But being… read more ›

Cretic Passenger List, First Class
White Star Line used several different covers on their passenger lists with styles changing every few years or so in keeping with the styles of the era. 19th Century lists have a very 19th Century… read more ›

Carpathia China, Salvaged Third-Class Soup Bowl
Wow! What can I say? I try to bring you the rarest of the rare, and this certainly qualifies! Back in 2007, very limited salvage work was done on the Cunard liner Carpathia of Titanic… read more ›

White Star Line Letter, 1874
Extraordinarily rare letter written on White Star Line stationary. Mailed from Ismay, Imrie, and Co. to D. and C. MacIver (managing owners of Cunard), the letter concerns the setting up of official North Atlantic traffic lanes. … read more ›

Majestic (1889) Passenger List, Second Class
Hard-to-find 19th Century second-class passenger list RMS Majestic. 19th Century White Star Line are tough to source, and those for second class are even more so. Bruce Ismay is listed on the cover as New… read more ›

Table, First-Class Lounge
One of the most beautiful pieces of furniture from the Queen Mary I have ever offered! This table is from her first-class main lounge and has been nicknamed by collectors as a “U-table” because of… read more ›

Ile De France, Paris, France Color Brochure
An exceedingly rare brochure for the French Line ‘s fantastic Ile De France, the Paris, and the France. 24 pages with full-color, mostly full-page renderings, half for the new Ile, and the other half split… read more ›

Majestic (1889) / Teutonic Brochure
One of the rarest and earliest brochures for White Star that I have ever offered. Produced at the time of the maiden voyages of the Majestic and Teutonic and copyright 1890. The company’s name “White… read more ›

White Star Line, Rates and Plans, April 1912
This is the first brochure/deck plan for the White Star fleet that was issued immediately after the Titanic disaster. Dated April, 1912, this printing was “cancelling previous issues.” In other words, the previous issues which… read more ›

Olympic / Titanic Postcard
A rarity these days! A pre-sinking postcard for this, perhaps history’s most famous pair of steamships RMS Olympic and RMS Titanic. No message (and given the recent incident perhaps no message was required) but has… read more ›

Titanic Postcard, Raphael Tuck
The famous Tuck’s postcard of Titanic at sea. In excellent condition. This iconic image is an asset to any RMS Titanic or White Star Line collection.

Normandie Model, Souvenir Paperweight
I have over the years had a number of these special ss Normandie desk-top souvenirs. You can’t really call them common, in fact, they are quite rare in this condition. Rare as hen’s teeth. … read more ›

Baltic Second-Class Menu
I don’t recall the last time I had a “Tea” menu from a White Star liner, but I know that in second and third class this afternoon meal was much more hearty than the beverages… read more ›

Lusitania Souvenir Plate
Pastel & blue souvenir “Launch Plate” for the famous RMS Lusitania in very good condition. First one I have had in this fine shape for many years. As many of you know, the rare pattern… read more ›

Lusitania Souvenir
Like everything else for this famous ship, obtaining high-quality Lusitania material is a rarity. Items from her are tough to find and also jealously kept in collections. After all, why let go something increasingly tough… read more ›

Lusitania Brochure Second-Class
This brochure is how the Thorp family chose their accommodation on the RMS Lusitania. Running 20 pages, the brochure is a time capsule of Cunard in 1914-1915. Mentioned are the famous Cunarders Lusitania, Mauretania, Aquitania… read more ›

Normandie Brochure, 1939 Rio Cruise
So would you or wouldn’t you sail on this cruise? That was the question prospective passengers were faced with when choosing to sail on this ss Normandie voyage. The 1938 cruise had been popular enough… read more ›

United States Deck Plans, General Arrangement
One of the best items I have ever had from the United States! A compete set of general arrangement plans, which come directly from a former employee of Gibbs & Cox. The deck-plan sheets measure… read more ›

Normandie Car Badge
Do you wish you could have been a member of the Normandie driving club? Here is your chance. Imagine pulling up to the French Line pier in New York in your 1935 Dusenberg for your… read more ›

France (1962), Photo Book
Very unusual photographic book for the beloved ss France of 1962. Probably produced by CGT for use by travel agents to show prospective passengers the various level of cabin categories. Hardback with 18 images of… read more ›

Rug, Engineer’s Cabin
What can I say? One of the finest carpets from the Queen Mary I have been fortunate to offer. This carpet came from the granddaughter of a couple who traveled on their honeymoon in the… read more ›

Normandie, Lipsett Letter Opener
Lipsett letter opener for the ss Normandie, one of the most important items I have ever sold for her! When the French Line’s (CGT) Normandie was broken up, Lipsett (the company which scrapped her) was… read more ›

Aquitania, Bassett-Lowke Model
Bassett-Lowke model of the Cunard ocean liner RMS Aquitania

United States, Directional Sign
A large directional sign from a third-class starboard B-Deck corridor on the ss United States. Looking at the back, each letter is held on with at least two screws. Boy, did they make things well… read more ›

Olympic Post Cards, 1911 and 1935
Here is something it took me years to find. A pair of post cards– one mailed from RMS Olympic’s maiden voyage in June, 1911, and one mailed from her final voyage in October, 1935. Framed… read more ›

Mauretania (1939) Life Ring
Obtaining authentic life rings for any ocean liner is tough. That’s what makes getting one from such a famous Cunard Line ship like this so special. Everyone has heard of the RMS Mauretania of 1939… read more ›

L’Atlantique Bronze Medallion
Much-desired bronze medallion for the famous paquebot ss L’Atlantique. The poor L’Atlantique. We all know the story about her sad demise. She was one of a number of French ships that caught fire in the… read more ›

Pasteur Bronze Medallion
Much sought-after, rare bronze medallion produced by Compagnie de Navigation Sud-Atlantique for their famous steamship Pasteur. These are quite desirable since, as you know, she never really entered her intended service so very few medals… read more ›

Lusitania, Souvenir Paperweight
Reverse-painted glass paperweight for the ill-fated Cunarder RMS Lusitania. These were sold in her on board gift shop. Much sought after souvenir from one the Atlantic oceans most famous ocean liners. In very good condition… read more ›

RMS Queen Mary Race Horse
RMS Queen Mary Furniture

Table, Third Class ex-Britannic
A perfect little Art Deco table originally from the White Star liner RMS Britannic of 1930. Transferred to the RMS Queen Mary after Britannic was taken out of service, this solid mahogany table found new… read more ›

Cunard Mortgage Bond / Lusitania, Mauretania
Ok, folks. Let’s put on our green accountants’ visors for a second because this is a fascinating bit of history. According to the Cunard Annual Report to shareholders in 1908: “It will be within your… read more ›

China, Three Lobed Serving Dish
One of the rarest and nicest White Star china items for any collection. The three-lobed serving dish as used on Olympic and salvaged from Titanic. I suspect these were used as part of the ubiquitous… read more ›

Table, Second-Class Lounge
A stunning Art Deco card table from the Queen Mary’s second-class lounge. It is super lovely with amazing veneers. The black formica top is original and flips over to a baize covering for playing cards. … read more ›

Queen Mary Model, Take To Pieces Signed by Designer
One of the most collectible items ever made for the Queen Mary. A Chad Valley take-to-pieces model. As you can see from the photo, each deck pivots revealing a detailed color-coded deck plan, handily numbered… read more ›

Andrea Doria Salvaged Chinoise Saucer
This tea-cup saucer was brought up from the wreck of the “Mt. Everest of ship diving,” the ss Andrea Doria. In the famous “chinoise” (or Chinese) pattern. Measures about 4.75″ across. With some staining from… read more ›

Queen Elizabeth 2 Maiden Voyage Plaque
Impressive framed plaque made for Queen Elizabeth 2’s entry into service. Obtained on her maiden voyage and in excellent condition. I’ve never seen another. This QE2 plaque measures about 16.5″ x 8″ including the original… read more ›

Titanic Carlton China Souvenir
The famous Carlton China Company made all manner of high-quality bone-china post-sinking souvenirs for the RMS Titanic and RMS Lusitania disasters. Many in the shapes of ancient Roman pottery that had been found in Great… read more ›

United States Standing Ashtray
Highly sought-after mid-century standing ashtray from the famous ss United States. It is so 1952, isn’t it? I really love it and am proud to put be able to offer it on Luxury Liner Row. … read more ›

Queen Mary Waste Basket
A superb mahogany waste basket from the SS Queen Mary. Marked on the base “Queen Mary Officers & Engineers, Gregory & Co, Bruton St Ltd, London W1” thus we know exactly where it came from… read more ›

Caronia, Art Deco Console
I am proud to offer an extremely rare item and one of the nicest pieces of Cunard furniture I have ever seen. This is one of a pair of stunning Art Deco consoles in precious… read more ›

Bassett-Lowke Scale Model
Cute 1:1250 scale waterline model by Bassett-Lowke of the world famous RMS Queen Mary. Happily still sporting its maker’s label on the underside and the original blue wooden base with the original cover. It measures… read more ›

Table, Second-Class Smoking Room
An amazing table from the second-class Smoking Room of the Cunard Line RMS Queen Mary. Black base with German silver trimmed surmounted by a fluted column base and topped with a black top. Stands about… read more ›

Queen Elizabeth Life Ring
This is one of those items that will set your collection apart from others. An original on-board life ring from the RMS Queen Elizabeth. Measuring about 29″ in diameter, this life ring has a special… read more ›

Titanic — Dr. O’Loughlin Ismay Testimonial Book
During my recent travels, I found a book that is one of those items that makes you say “wow”! It is a testimonial book about a silver service presented to Thomas Ismay (who founded White… read more ›

Olympic Dining Room Chair, First Class
One of the finest (and rarest) items I have ever offered for sale. A first-class dining room chair from Titanic’s sister ship, Olympic, still in the original green upholstery. Think of all the famous people… read more ›

United States First-Class Smoking Room Chairs and Table
A pair of what I consider the best chairs put on the greatest ship America ever produced. Great two-tone leather in orange and dark brown. Just think of all the famous people who sat in… read more ›

Queen Elizabeth 2 “You Are Here” Deck Map
Fascinating “you are here” map from Queen Elizabeth 2’s aft staircase on 2 deck. Own a visually impressive part of your favorite liner. I believe this dates to before her 1994 refit because of the… read more ›

Lusitania Salvaged Pocket Watch Case
Much sought-after pocket watch case recovered from the wreck of the famous Cunard liner SS Lusitania in 1982. These are getting tough to find for a reasonable price; so little more needs to be said. … read more ›

United States Bedspread, Duck Suite
Extremely rare and, I might add, quite lovely comforter with a butterfly motive from the ss United States. What makes this one especially important is it is the bedspread from the Duck Suite. Even better,… read more ›

Caronia Staircase Sign
Super-rare staircase sign from Caronia. It could quite possibly be this exact sign shown in the archival on board. See the archival on the Queen Mary for a similar sign as well. I know of… read more ›

Imperator Deck Plan
Outstanding pre-maiden voyage first-class deck plan for the s.s. Imperator. Printed on onion paper, the plan is dated 4-1913 and was printed in the United States. Measures 36″ x 33″ when open. Considering it is… read more ›

Cunard 19th Century Candle Sticks
Stunning pair of Cunard candle sticks dating to the 19th century. They are made by Elkington Plate and date to 1870! They are almost certainly from one of the following ships, which all came out… read more ›

Lurline (1932) Nine Unusual Photos
A fascinating set of nine photos of ss Lurline — all taken in November, 1939. I first thought these might have something to do with the outbreak of war, but visible on the back of… read more ›

Lusitania Official Cunard Record of Passengers & Crew For Her Final Voyage
The definitive and official record of Lusitania’s tragic last voyage. Published by Cunard in March, 1916, this is the final return of all passengers and crew on her final voyage (survivors and victims). It is… read more ›

ss France (1912) Pre-Maiden Voyage Brochure
One of the finest brochures ever created for CGT’s only four stacker. 38 on-board photos, interior and exterior, most of which I haven’t seen before. They are amazing, almost startlingly, clear. Examples of the photos… read more ›

RMS Lusitania Launch Invitation
Launched by Mary, Lady Inverclyde, in June, 1906, Lusitania set new standards for speed, size, and luxury on the Atlantic. But then you knew all that! Cunard and John Brown went all out for Lusitania’s… read more ›

White Star Line Silver Toast Rack
An exquisite first-class toast rack from the pattern used in the first-class dining room on Olympic and Titanic. A crushed, identical version of this toast rack was recovered in dives to Titanic back in 2000. … read more ›

RMS Olympic Tile, First-Class Swimming Pool / Bathroom
Many of you have heard the rumor that Olympic’s wheelhouse is being used as a potting shed somewhere in the U.K. or that a collector has the clock from Honor and Glory and jealously guards… read more ›

Cunard Pastel Cup & Saucer 1907
One of the most beautiful pattern of steamship china you can find. This tea cup and saucer is made by Mintons and was used on board Cunarders before the first world war. Cunard really splashed… read more ›

RMS Empress of Ireland Salvaged Creamer
One of the hardest-to-find pieces salvaged from the Empress that you’ll probably ever see. Standing about 2″ tall, this creamer was recovered before Canada put a heritage order on the wreck prohibiting anything from being… read more ›

RMS Olympic Pre-Maiden Voyage Deck Plan
This deck plan is in all likelihood the nicest item I have ever had on the site. Tissue deck plans for Olympic are VERY tough to come by, especially one in top-notch condition and a… read more ›

RMS Empress of Ireland Salvaged Water Glass
China salvaged from the Empress of Ireland is ubiquitous, but her crystal is much harder to find, especially in one piece and with a logo. One diver told me that he’s recovered at least one… read more ›

RMS Oregon Salvaged Coffee Cup
This coffee cup was salvaged from the flattened wreck of Cunard’s Oregon. The Oregon was the speed holder of her day and had been purchased from the financially strapped Guion Line just two years before… read more ›

RMS Oregon Salvaged Soup Bowl
Dating to the 1880’s, this rare soup bowl is a tough pattern to acquire. Proof that the pattern dates to the 1880’s lies in the fact that numerous examples of it have been recovered from… read more ›

White Star Line Restaurant Soup Tureen ex-Olympic
This silver soup tureen was made by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths in 1911 for use in the à la carte restaurant on board Olympic. It seems that this exclusive and very well-made pattern of silver was… read more ›

American Line Side Plate
When the American Line took over Inman, it also took over Inman’s china pattern; thus we see examples of the china marked “American Line” and “Inman Line.” This 1890’s pattern was used on all of… read more ›

RMS Mauretania (1906) Presentation Book
Great presentation book given to VIP’s who attended the launch of the first Mauretania at Swan Hunter’s yard on September 20, 1906. One has to wonder whose copy this was. Measures about 21″ x 16″… read more ›

Cunard Post-1878 Platter
I’m proud to offer yet another of the rarest Cunard china items that can be found. This exceptionally rare platter in the “Sea Shell” pattern dates to the late 1870’s and straddles the time between… read more ›

RMS Mauretania (1939) Bell
Fantastic brass bell made from metal salvaged from the second Mauretania at the time of her scrapping late in 1965. Here is your chance to own a piece of her. Cunard saved little from their… read more ›

White Star Line Tea Cup & Saucer
The brown-on-brown pattern is one of the most confusing patterns White Star ever produced. Where exactly was it used? Why have we not seen dinner plates? White Star researchers can’t seem to agree. One of… read more ›

ss Imperator Pre-Maiden Voyage Brochure
Extremely rare pre-maiden voyage brochure for HAPAG’s latest and greatest triumph, the Imperator. 20 pages with 24 images, including a photo of the Kaiser on the launch platform with the bottle breaking across the bow,… read more ›

RMS Mauretania (1906) Staircase Moulding
Exquisitely carved French walnut moulding from the first-class staircase of the Mauretania. Still in its original finish just like it was taken off the ship. Marked on the back in carpenters pencil “Boat Deck.” Archival… read more ›

RMS Mauretania Lifering
At some point around the end of the first world war, someone had the bright idea to change the all-white life rings to a two-tone of red and white for better visibility at sea. The… read more ›

Cunard Mid-19th Century Platter
I’m proud to offer one of the rarest Cunard china items I’ve ever had on the site. Exceptionally rare platter in the earliest verified Cunard pattern. This dates to the 1840’s or 1850’s. Back marked… read more ›

Cunard Mid-19th Century Pitcher
Collecting 19th century Cunard china would highlight any display cabinet. This large serving pitcher only serves to highlight that rule. Dates from the 1850’s or 1860’s. Considering how small the ships at that time were… read more ›

RMS Mauretania Cadbury Tin
Super rare Cadbury candy tin for Mauretania with a fairly accurate full-color portrait of the ship. No, there is no candy in it! The condition of the portrait is very good with only slight crazing… read more ›

United States Vase
Highly sought-after aluminum stateroom vase from the s.s. United States. Stands 13½” tall and is 7″ in diameter at the mouth. Cabin number U-73 (first class) written on bottom in pen. See archival photo for… read more ›

White Star Line Creamer
Scarce turquoise-and-brown creamer. Stands about 3″ tall and is in excellent condition. One of the hardest pieces of this pattern to find and one of those types of items that sets a White Star china… read more ›

ss United States Sculpture
As befitted the flag ship of America’s merchant marine, the decoration aboard the United States was very patriotic. Among the examples, was a series of 50 medallions by Gwen Lux, each medallion representing a state… read more ›

ss Normandie Lifejacket
I’m pleased to be able to offer this life jacket from France’s greatest liner. Canvas over cork with “Normandie,” “Le Havre,” and the number “56” stenciled in black. What appears to be a maker’s mark… read more ›

Aquitania Cigarette Box Made from Her Timbers
It is often tough as a dealer as well as a collector to decide what to keep and what to sell. The rarity of this Aquitania cigarette box makes me want to keep it. On… read more ›

Cunard White Star Champagne Bucket & Stand
There’s silver, and then there’s silver. This immense champagne bucket and stand was designed with a heavy base to keep it upright in rough seas. Together these pieces measure over 18” tall. The bucket is… read more ›

Lusitania Letter Written on Final Voyage
Here’s your chance to own a museum-quality item! A letter written on board the Lusitania’s last aborted voyage by second-class passenger Elsie Hardy, detailing her daily activities. Saved from the sinking, this letter has some… read more ›

SS Olympic Green-and Cream Floor Tiles
Beautifully patterned linoleum floor tiles in alternating shades of green and cream as used in first-, second-, third-class, and crew areas of the Olympic. Archival photographs of the liner’s interior show these tiles in use… read more ›

Aquitania Invitation to Launch
Ladies and gentlemen, one of those items that really sets a collection apart. A spectacular invitation to her launch. This sports not one, but two, pieces of art by Norman Wilkinson, one on the cover… read more ›

RMS Olympic Travel Agency Hardbound Book
Produced by White Star for use in travel agents’ offices, this hard-bound travel agency counter book is the best brochure ever produced for Olympic. Counting this particular copy, I know of only two examples of… read more ›

SS Olympic Starboard Running Light
And now ladies and gentlemen, for one of you, take a look at the new centerpiece of your collection! Olympic’s brass starboard running light. Purchased at the 1935 Olympic auction, this light found a home… read more ›

SS Carpathia Deck Plan
WOW! Amazingly hard-to-find deck plan for Cunard’s famous Carpathia, dated September, 1908, and listed as a “cabin plan.” Looking at the plan, it appears that first and second class were combined into one at some… read more ›

RMS Olympic Brochure, Pre-World War I Color
The word “rare” does not do this brochure justice. I am proud to be able to offer such an outstanding piece of White Star history to you. 16-page full-color pre-war brochure for this most famous… read more ›

Olympic Tile
Beautifully patterned linoleum floor tiles in alternating shades of green and cream as used on board the Olympic. Archival photographs of the liner’s interior show these tiles in use in the barber shop and other… read more ›

Olympic Corridor Strap
A decorative strap from a first-class corridor on RMS Olympic of the White Star Line. When walking down first-class hallways, the decorative coving seen in this photo from the Haltwhistle paint factory hid electrical wiring. … read more ›

Olympic Bookends Made From Her Decking
Several years ago, I had a number of sets of bookends made out of decking from the Olympic. Each pair of bookends is identical in design although they are slightly different in size and of… read more ›

RMS Britannic (1930) Waste Basket
A superb mahogany waste basket from the White Star Line Britannic of 1930. Marked on the base “Brit A52,” this comes from one of the better first-class cabins on board — a double stateroom with… read more ›

United States Table, Smoking Room
Highly collectible coffee table from the first-class Smoking Room of the fastest liner ever to cross the Atlantic. The top is unusual in that it is a simulated stone. Although there are a few small… read more ›

United States First-Class Ballroom Table
What an amazing piece of history! A table from the first-class Ballroom of the ss United States. Fully marked on the bottom with a metal strip giving its location on the vessel. Gold-colored legs with… read more ›

United States Chair, Staff Captain’s Office
What an superb piece! Lots of people have furniture from the ss United States, but how many people can say they have the “captain’s” chair? Well, now you can! Fully marked on the bottom as… read more ›

United States Chair, Cabin “B” on Sports Deck
A first-class cabin chair from Sports Deck Cabin “B” on the ss United States. Still in its original ship-board upholstery, which is in excellent condition and has been professionally cleaned. This is one of the… read more ›

Club Leviathan Side Plate
A beautiful side plate from the Club Leviathan. Very few pieces turn up of this hard-to-find pattern because it was only used in the Club Leviathan and only for a few years. Made by Kniffin… read more ›

China, Tea Cup and Saucer
Exquisite tea cup and saucer as used on board the ss Andrea Doria. Commonly known among collectors as the “Chinois” pattern, this style of china is decorated with many different Chinese scenes and is one… read more ›

Normandie Medallion, Sterling Silver Maiden Voyage
I am pleased to offer for the first time here on Luxury Liner Row an exceptionally rare sterling silver VIP medal for Normandie’s maiden voyage. Unlike the more commonly seen bronze medal, these were only… read more ›

Ivernia (1955) Chest of Drawers
Cunard’s 1950’s Canadian Quartet had to be one of the last sets of ships that was built in much the same way ships had been built for the preceding 100 years, meaning that they were… read more ›