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United States Lines

United States Swizzle Stick

Item Number: 87567 $5.00

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Product Description

Several years ago, I was called to help clean out the Dr. Forbes estate.  This process took a few years and was never really finished.  At the last minute, plans changed within the estate, and it was decided to dump everything left in the storage building. A few days before I was to leave for a buying trip to England, I got a call telling me about the sudden change of plans and that I had the chance to make one last visit with a large van.  This was a frantic trip to save history since everything that I did not take was going to be thrown away.  It resulted in me just grabbing things to keep them out of the land fill.  I found a waste basket from one of the ship’s cabins and filled it half way up with these swizzle sticks.  Then they were pushed deep into my storage buildings and lay undisturbed for 3 more years.  Thanks to my recent move, I have found them again.  For your next cocktail party, use real swizzle sticks from your favorite ship!  A quantity available!  Price is for a set of 3.