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White Star Line

Majestic (1922) Entry Into Service Book

Item Number: 33041 Sold

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Product Description

I have had a couple of these books before, but not one of this importance and rarely in this condition!  This is the full hard back entry-into-service book produced for the largest ship in the world, the RMS Majestic.  (Sorry Leviathan, Majestic was the real title holder despite what the USL said!)  This is more than a book.  It is a testament to how proud White Star Line was of this formidable vessel.  But what makes this much more interesting is the inscription written on the inside in a beautiful handwriting:

“Souvenir gift from C.B. Lancaster Esq., Purser, on occasion of the visit of the King and Queen to RMS Majestic, 5, August 1922 at Cowes, I.O.W.”

To have been not only someone important enough that White Star Line invited you onboard Majestic for the royal visit but also to have her purser personally looking out for you on what must have been an exceedingly busy day for him is something else entirely.  I doubt any other collector can claim to have this book with a similar important inscription.  With just a bit of cracking at the spine, but for a book over 100 years old, in excellent condition!