Home » White Star Line » China, Deck Service Saucer
White Star Line

China, Deck Service Saucer

Item Number: 79808 Sold

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This is an example of the first item of White Star Line china I ever obtained for my own collection when I was a young lad and fascinated by all things White Star.  A great friend of mine went to an auction in Liverpool where a cache of these was discovered in 1993.  White Star was quite charitable and donated a quantity of these saucers to a school in Liverpool.  They were discovered in the basement of that school and put up for auction.  For years, people debated how these were used on board with many folks thinking this is third class.  However, items salvaged from Titanic prove this was the saucer for the obligatory first-class British seafaring tradition of afternoon bullion served on deck.  This is still done on Queen Mary 2 today, and it’s quite a treat.  Often these are seen with age crazing to the gaze which is largely missing from this example.  It is a lovely White Star pattern in its simplicity with a great logo.  Measures about 7.5″ across.